We are staffed by a total volunteer workforce.
Donations Guidelines
Non-perishable items must contain the original store label and store bar code. Examples of non-perishable items are canned
goods, paper products, and personal care products. -
Perishable items are accepted but MUST be dropped off during the FOOD PANTRY hours referenced above.
Please do not leave food unattended. Please call and we will be happy to assist you.
Monetary Donations
Cash donations are greatly appreciated. Make checks payable to OZARK FOOD PANTRY.
Mail to #1 Sunset Park Festus, MO 63028, or drop off during business hours.
Monetary Donations are used to purchase additional food, maintain vehicles, and building maintenance.
Now accepting all Major Credit Cards and VENMO
All donations are tax-deductible and may be eligible for a 50% state and federal tax credit.
​Click on this link for more information: http://dor.mo.gov/taxcredit/fpt.php
Please specify whether you want your donation to go to our regular monthly expenses or to our Capital Campaign to build a new and larger Pantry.